IELTS Task 2 【經典題】家庭角色的改變 Changes in Parental Roles



IELTS Task 2 【經典題】

These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

這題是很常見的經典題 :D



1. Introduction:

à 介紹題目(introduce the topic) + 提出自己的看法,指出可能的原因,以及這個趨勢會是正面或負面的發展 (give your opinion about what the possible reasons are, and whether this is a positive or negative development)


2. Body Paragraph 1 > Causes

à 試著介紹至少兩個原因,說明為何造成家庭中,男女所扮演的角色有所轉換 (introduce more than one cause to account for why the roles of family members are changing)


原因1:女性有越來越多的權利,並且與男性一樣,受到平等對待 (Reason 1: Women have more rights and are now treated as equals to their male counterparts.)


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