【雅思口說榛堤】字跡 2015.09-12;2014.09-12




而【筆跡】這個議題,在過去數個月的雅思口說當中,出現了很多次,不管是在簡單隨性的Part 1還是回答時間需長達兩分鐘的Part 2,而這個題目,根據高精準預測,將會繼續延燒到年底!!大家是不是應該要好好準備呢!





1. 你常常書寫,還是使用電腦、打字機輸入文字呢?
2. 承上,你比較喜歡手寫呢還是打字?
3. 現在大家多半採用什麼樣的書寫方式?
4. 你覺得之後電腦有可能取代書寫嗎?
5. 在台灣,學童通常什麼時候開始學習書寫的?
6. 你覺得書寫這件事在現在也一樣重要嗎?
7. 小孩可以怎麼樣練習或者改善他們的字跡呢?
8. 你的字跡怎麼樣?是否簡單易懂呢?
9. 你喜歡收到手寫的信或者卡片嗎?
10. 你要如何從一個人的字跡了解他的個性?



那我們到底要怎麼形容一個人的筆跡呢?要怎樣說才會讓考官眼睛一亮,不會追著你問,So?,Why is that?,What do you mean?

◆ 字跡整齊,neat handwriting

◆ 字跡潦草。我知道大家心中浮現的第一個反應一定是 “His handwriting is nearly impossible to read”,但是!停!!這樣說跟眾多的雅思烤鴨們有什麼不同呢,哈哈,我們要試著學會換成更精準一點的講法,像是 “His handwriting is barely legible.”

◆ 你可以看懂他在寫什麼鬼嗎?
✘✘✘ Can you understand what the hell he is writing?
✔✔✔ Can you decipher his handwriting?

◆ 他的字往左斜,His handwriting slopes backwards

◆ 他的字龍飛鳳舞的,He has sprawling handwriting.

◆ 他寫給我的便條上,有他一貫潦草的字跡,He has sprawled me a note in his familiar scratchy handwriting.


【Authentic IELTS Speaking Questions】Handwriting; 2015.09-12;2014.09-12

Have you ever seen someone’s handwriting as neat as something printed off a computer? I had a classmate in secondary school who seemed to write all the characters in the Chinese version of Times New Roman. I wondered at her handwriting every time I saw it, thinking how on earth she was ever able to “print” her assignments in a consistently neat manner.

But when I was in college, I had a classmate who was even more impressive. He was able to print all the letters in Old English Text. In case you don’t know what it looks like, here’s a quick look at this marvelous font: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/hge/hge.png

And recently there’s been an article that has stunned all the 1.3 billion people on the Internet, in which we see secondary school students in China asked by their teachers to write English letters like a computer. The teachers have made a point that each character must be identical every single time!

Here’s the link if you’re interested:

And the topic of【handwriting】has actually appeared in the IELTS exam since as early as 2009. For the past several months, it has shown up in the Speaking section again and again, whether in simple Part 1 questions, or in Part 2 where you’re asked to talk for a lengthy duration of 2 minutes.

And this particular topic—handwriting—is expected to rage on through to the end of this year, that is, 2015. So what are we waiting for? Let’s crack this topic together!

Let’s see some REAL exam questions you may encounter in the test.


1. Do you usually write by hand or write using the computer? 
2. (Extension of previous question) Which do you prefer, to write by hand or to write using the computer? 
3. These days, how do most people write things? 
4. In your opinion, will computers ever take the place of handwriting? 
5. When do children in Taiwan begin learning to write? 
6. Do you consider handwriting very important today? 
7. How can children today practice or improve their handwriting? 
8. How is your handwriting? Is it easy for people to recognize?
9. Do you like to receive handwritten letters or cards?
10. How do you tell a person's personality from his or her handwriting?


【Tips to Band 9 vocabulary】

So how exactly do we describe a person’s handwriting? What do we say to wow the examiner so he or she wouldn’t bombard you with comments like “So what?”, “Why is that?”, “What do you mean?”, and the like.

◆ Neat handwriting: someone whose handwriting is tidy and in order.

◆ ✘✘✘ “His handwriting is nearly impossible to read.” Ha, I know this sentence sounds perfectly natural to you, but wait a minute. How will you distinguish yourself from other test takers if you use simple expressions like this? Let’s try to be more precise in our word choice and upgrade it a little by saying “His handwriting is barely legible.”

◆ ✘✘✘ Can you understand what the hell he is writing?
✔✔✔ Can you decipher his handwriting?

◆ His handwriting slopes backwards: meaning his handwriting is in a consistent leftward manner.

◆ He has sprawling handwriting: meaning his handwriting is not really neat.

◆ He has sprawled me a note in his familiar scratchy handwriting: meaning the handwriting on the note he gives me is not really neat, but I’ve got used to it because that’s his style.


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